Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Baby Names

Also popular in 2007 were names for girls that were based on spiritual and philosophical concepts. Rising to No. 31 was Nevaeh, or "heaven" spelled backward; it previously ranked 43rd. Also represented in 2007 were Destiny (No. 41); Trinity (No. 72); Serenity (No. 126); Harmony (No. 315) and Miracle (No. 461). Cutting against the trend was Armani (No. 971).

Parents were less likely to name their sons based on spiritual concepts, although the 2007 list includes Sincere (No. 622) and Messiah (No. 723).


I'm sorry. Who names a baby girl Armani? Or Miracle? Or a little boy named Messiah? Sincere? Some poor child is going to get beaten up on the playground because, honestly, what type of name is "Sincere" for a boy?

(I generally try to be non-judgmental and accepting of all people (to a degree), but I just don't understand this...).