Sunday, December 30, 2007


I love music. Enough said.

My taste is extremely varied.


It's hard to find music I don't like.

I'm open to almost anything.

I also like randomly sharing my music tastes.

I love to get new music suggestions as well.

But enough of that. :)


Saturday, December 29, 2007

Blue Man Group Christmas

Because I'm bored. Because I'm almost completely caught up with my e-mail inbox. Because I'm trying to avoid stress-causing work. Because I can. *grins*

Monday, November 12, 2007


I forgot how much I loved it. I just spent more or less ten minutes thinking of an idea, writing it, editing it, and posting it. It's nothing long (by any means) or even spectacular, but it was fun. Which is kind of the point.

I spent about half an hour writing last night, different little snippets that make no sense together, and frankly... little apart either. But it was fun. And I definitely realized how obsessed I am with certain styles of writing.


Anyway... if anyone's interested in seeing a bit of my... frankly, rather disturbing mind...

The story I just posted is a Harry Potter fan fic (what else?). It's completely harmless, there's just stuff... implied. If your mind works like that. ;) Link --

And, because I'm in an odd mood in which I feel like sharing what my twisted mind creates... here are some of the little snippets I wrote while bored (keep in mind that I was bored) last night. I appreciate comments, unless they're pointless flames. :)

EDIT: Moved to new blog... yay!

And an insanely short one... I lost my train of thought in the middle of this one and I can't even remember where this was going:

EDIT: Moved to new blog... yay!

AND... new blog at:

Monday, October 22, 2007

Forever and Atlanta

Wow... it's been... a while. Though I doubt anyone actually reads this, so if you do, I'll bake you a dozen cookies. For real.

And my depressing fact for today... Atlanta's freshwater supply will run out within 90 days. Am I the only one terrified by this?

Monday, July 23, 2007

The Lion King

This has taken over my spot for "favorite" Broadway musical after the show tonight. Granted, I never put much thought into choosing a favorite, but this gave me goosebumps.

Young Simba was a tad disappointing, but the "grown-up" Simba surely wasn't. Costumes were fabulous, overall... excellent. (Even if one of the bird rigs did fall into the audience. Anyway, no one was hurt).

I would go on, but I don't really know how else to express it. Video clips and the soundtrack truly does not do it justice.

*wants to go see it again*

Sound clip of "Circle of Life":

Saturday, July 7, 2007


Somewhere, some little robot is laughing at me.

I just tried to buy a song from iTunes and got a neat little message saying that my account couldn't be found. Needless to say, I was not impressed. Thankfully, it only took about fifteen minutes of glaring at my computer screen (among other things), and it just started working again.

I have no idea what happened to it or why it works, not that I'm complaining.


Nothing like a bit of stress to end a summer day, right?

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Equal Rights and Safety

Still about the Matthew Shepard Act (hate crimes). This is the letter that I sent into the newspaper. Even if it doesn't get published (highly unlikely that it will), at least I'm trying to do my part.

It is astonishing to read some of the debate regarding the Matthew Shepard Act. The amount of ignorance and sheer bigotry is, frankly, terrifying. Our government is being influenced by people who don't even understand what they are protesting.

A section of this Act reads: “Nothing in this Act, or the amendments made by this act, shall be construed to prohibit any expression conduct protected from legal prohibition by, or any activities protected by the free speech or free exercise clauses of, the First Amendment of the Constitution.”

Therefore, people "logically" arguing that this will take away their freedom of speech are wrong. People who say that this will make anti-gay thoughts illegal have not even glanced over this bill.

Of course, there's also have the religious aspect, that this is "against God's will." Did I miss the memo? Since when are we a theocracy? We are NOT a religious based government nor should our society be governed by religion. And doesn't another part of Leviticus (the main section of the bible used for anti-gay propaganda) state that it is acceptable to enslave peoples of neighboring countries? So does that mean I can go up to Canada and bring back a few of their citizens as my personal slaves?

This act just trying to protect all of our citizens, whatever race, gender, disability, gender identity, or sexual orientation. It's trying to ensure that NO American is targeted for violence, simply because of who they are. What's so wrong about that?

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Update on House Bill 1366

It passed the third vote.


This is now the farthest that a piece of pro-equality legislation has EVER passed in either part of the General Assembly of North Carolina!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

NC Anti-Bullying Law

There is currently a bill in the House of NC titled "the School Violence Prevention Act." (House Bill 1366). It's currently up for one last vote in the House tomorrow...

Sadly (well, considering the state itself...), right after this bill was presented, Rep. Stam proposed an amendment to "strip out the protected categories," including gender identity and sexual orientation, from the bill. The first vote (regarding the amendment) resulted in a 58-58 tie.

After even more debate, the amendment was thankfully abandoned and the bill passed 72-45.

How is this bill especially important for this state? This is the first time in state history that a major piece of pro-equality legislation has passed a vote in either chamber.

Hopefully this bill will pass. And hopefully the anti-gay marriage amendment to the state's constitution (because apparently two laws just aren't enough) fails.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Our Society is SO Screwed

I just want to sit down and cry. Our society is so bigoted and hateful while pretending that they are loving and kind... in this example I'm talking about HR-1592, the Hate Crimes Bill. Reading some comments about the bill, I've become saddened by the state of the people of this country. How much more screwed up can we get? Canada is looking better and better...

So... I decided that to vent my anger, I would show my Representative how stupid I thought she was for voting against this bill.

  • As a concerned constituent in your district, I would like to convey to you my deep disappointment in the way you voted for the Hate Crimes bill.

    I cannot presume to understand WHY you decided to vote against such a necessary bill. Why did you decide to say no to something so harmless yet so important? What reason could have POSSIBLY justified that vote?

    The major arguments against this bill seem to be that it will make anti-gay thoughts illegal and the fact that it is "against God's will."

    This bill in NO way prohibits freedom of speech or thoughts. This isn't saying that thinking anti-gay thoughts will make you guilty of a hate crime. This is saying that attacking someone based on some unfounded bias is illegal.

    And furthermore: did I miss the memo? Since when are we a theocracy? We are not a religious based government nor should our society be governed by religion. And doesn't another part of Leviticus state that it is acceptable to enslave peoples of neighboring countries? So does that mean I can go up to Canada and take a few of those people as my personal slaves?

    I am curious to understand your reasons for this vote, I sincerely am. I would very much appreciate a reply regarding this issue.
I was considering posting some of the comments from the right-wing religious conservatives talking about how this law is an abomination and how it will completely ruin society. But then I realized that I don't want that to be something that I would have to look at. For those of you that can handle it without having the urge to punch someone or smash something, here is a link (beware... there are maybe two non-bigots for every 50 hating comments).

Monday, May 14, 2007

It's My Birthday!

Wow... it's probably unnatural to smile so much. It's my birthday today! It may be early in the morning (and this may be an unnaturally short post) but I'm so excited because of the balloons and the banner.


Okay, maybe a bit too happy, but it's my birthday, so I can do what I want...


Wednesday, May 9, 2007

This Week

So far this week has been... weird. I've been in this weird foggy mood. Not sad, not angry. But not extremely happy and joyful.

I can't explain it, which makes it even more frustrating...

Monday, May 7, 2007

Busy but Bored

Have you ever had that feeling where you are utterly bored, but you have a lot to do? Not to mention sleeping is probably a good priority. But, shocking to even myself, I really am not in the mood for fan fiction.


But seriously, it's amazing. I know what I should do. Laundry, clean my room, get stuff ready for tomorrow, spanish club points... but just sitting here typing, listening to music ("Home" by Josh Verdes)... I'm content. Not mind-numbingly happy, but not sad. Not angry. Just... content. I'm like in this vegetable state where nothing is really going to bother me.

Nothing being relative, of course.


I am still a walking time bomb.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Republicans for President

It's nothing against Republicans, really. But they don't really have any good (well, good meaning ones that I like) candidates for the presidency. The only semi-decent one is Giuliani. And even he isn't perfect. But it has been decided that if Romney wins the presidency, I am moving to Canada.

I need to lay out my reasons for disliking each of the candidates... maybe that will help me to see that they aren't really so bad (yeah, right). Important note though: I am only listing the bad. So there is some good, like Thompson saying it should be up to the states if indeed Roe v. Wade is overturned. And these are most of the reasons. There could be more. Or there could be more positive reasons too... (could being the operative word).

  • Brownback
    • On repealing Roe v. Wade: "[it would be a] glorious day"
    • doesn't support stem-cell research ("It is not necessary to kill a human life")
    • opposed to same-sex marriage
  • Gilmore
    • doesn't support stem-cell research
  • Giuliani
    • iffy on a bunch of ideas... meaning he doesn't really support them, but then again, he doesn't exactly not support them
  • Huckabee
    • doesn't support stem-cell research
  • Hunter
    • doesn't support stem-cell research
    • wants to build a border fence
  • McCain
    • "I'll follow [Osama bin Laden] to the gates of hell."
      • Wow. This is just, wow. Okay... I'm not saying that I like bin Laden, but this is a bit extreme. Or maybe that's just me.
  • Paul
    • doesn't support stem-cell research ("Programs like this are not authorized under the Constitution.")
      • That comment kind of annoys me. Okay, they aren't authorized. But they aren't forbidden, either! Just because it isn't mentioned doesn't mean that it is unallowed!
  • Romney
    • "Mitt Romney said "of course we get Osama bin Laden" and should move "heaven and Earth" to do so. But, he said "I don't buy into the Democratic pitch that this is about one person." "
      • I don't get how this makes sense. So we need to get bin Laden, no matter what. But yet it isn't really about him. *confused*
    • On repealing Roe v. Wade: "absolutely"
    • doesn't support stem-cell research
    • wants to spend more on the military
  • Tancredo
    • doesn't support stem-cell research ("[the research is] morally reprehensible")
    • says shortage of organs isn't a government problem, but also says that using cloning for this is ridiculous... not a big issue for me, but still
    • doesn't believe in evolution
    • doesn't support abortion
  • Thompson
    • "Asked if a private employer should be able to fire an employee who is a homosexual, Tommy Thompson said such decisions should be left to the employer. "So your answer is yes?" moderator John Harris of The Politico asked. "Yes," Thompson said."
Note on debate from:

Okay, so there isn't anything really for Huckabee or Gilmore. And Huckabee was funny when he went on the Colbert show. But they don't really stand for much else, and I only stated issues that they were definitively against. But we'll see how the election goes...

The Blog... *insert ominous music*

Okay... this is totally the same template as the Postsecrets blog. Which is mildly terrifying in an odd sort of way. So about the blog itself. I don't expect this to become some widely-read amazing blog. I honestly don't expect anyone to read it. It's just a good place to rant. And if someone does choose to read it, that's all good.