I need to lay out my reasons for disliking each of the candidates... maybe that will help me to see that they aren't really so bad (yeah, right). Important note though: I am only listing the bad. So there is some good, like Thompson saying it should be up to the states if indeed Roe v. Wade is overturned. And these are most of the reasons. There could be more. Or there could be more positive reasons too... (could being the operative word).
- Brownback
- On repealing Roe v. Wade: "[it would be a] glorious day"
- doesn't support stem-cell research ("It is not necessary to kill a human life")
- opposed to same-sex marriage
- Gilmore
- doesn't support stem-cell research
- Giuliani
- iffy on a bunch of ideas... meaning he doesn't really support them, but then again, he doesn't exactly not support them
- Huckabee
- doesn't support stem-cell research
- Hunter
- doesn't support stem-cell research
- wants to build a border fence
- McCain
- "I'll follow [Osama bin Laden] to the gates of hell."
- Wow. This is just, wow. Okay... I'm not saying that I like bin Laden, but this is a bit extreme. Or maybe that's just me.
- Paul
- doesn't support stem-cell research ("Programs like this are not authorized under the Constitution.")
- That comment kind of annoys me. Okay, they aren't authorized. But they aren't forbidden, either! Just because it isn't mentioned doesn't mean that it is unallowed!
- Romney
- "Mitt Romney said "of course we get Osama bin Laden" and should move "heaven and Earth" to do so. But, he said "I don't buy into the Democratic pitch that this is about one person." "
- I don't get how this makes sense. So we need to get bin Laden, no matter what. But yet it isn't really about him. *confused*
- On repealing Roe v. Wade: "absolutely"
- doesn't support stem-cell research
- wants to spend more on the military
- Tancredo
- doesn't support stem-cell research ("[the research is] morally reprehensible")
- says shortage of organs isn't a government problem, but also says that using cloning for this is ridiculous... not a big issue for me, but still
- doesn't believe in evolution
- doesn't support abortion
- Thompson
- "Asked if a private employer should be able to fire an employee who is a homosexual, Tommy Thompson said such decisions should be left to the employer. "So your answer is yes?" moderator John Harris of The Politico asked. "Yes," Thompson said."
Okay, so there isn't anything really for Huckabee or Gilmore. And Huckabee was funny when he went on the Colbert show. But they don't really stand for much else, and I only stated issues that they were definitively against. But we'll see how the election goes...
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